William Kentridge — “A drawing lesson”

“… can we be bet­ter than who we are, can we be oth­er than who we are?”
I’ve been try­ing to think about capa­bil­i­ty for a lit­tle while and try­ing to make sense of how we become able. What I’ve want­ed to get away from is an idea of abil­i­ty that we feel defined or lim­it­ed by—the pre­sumed lim­its of abil­i­ty dic­tat­ed, sup­pos­ed­ly, by our bod­i­ly and men­tal capacities.

Today I came across this love­ly video of and by the artist William Ken­tridge. He express­es so much of what has engaged me in this sub­ject mat­ter, but with such elo­quence and so vividly.

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